Life Satisfaction and Self-Confidence among Working and Nonworking Women Using Kalkan model: A Case of Saudi Arabia


  • Dr Vimala Venugopal Muthuswamy Associate Professor, Business Administration Department, King Faisal University,Alhasa SaudiArabia


Empowerment, Mental health & Physical health, Non-working women, Stress, Working women


The researcher investigates the major factors that influence the life satisfaction and self-confidence of young Saudi women. This research focus on health, education, income, empowerment, family status, and social status. The study also predicts the stress and
compares the stress level. Initially, the location where the ladies organization operates are classified into geographical clusters based on the provinces they live. Multistage random sampling was used to choose the geographical clusters in Saudi Arabia. The researcher interview 504 young Saudi women Arabia through stratified random sampling method and use KALKAN model to test life satisfaction and Self confidence level. This study proposes a conceptual framework that explicates the structure of the constructs towards the context of life satisfaction and stress level. The constructs of this study are life satisfaction; stress level, working women, non-working women and self-confidence. The research on the life satisfaction and stress level has unfilled assumptions for various eliciting practices referring to life. Despite the satisfactory fit of the established model, there is always a chance for better conceptual model to exist. The study concludes that Life satisfaction and confidence is higher with working women. The study states that working women have low stress level because of financial independence and also have a moderated life satisfaction level because of work. And nonworking women have a high stress level as they are not financial independent and higher satisfaction level of the life. The working women feel their life as challenging and secure, but the not feel in comfortable life situation. Whereas, non-working women have a less satisfaction in their routine activities and high stress level.


