Variation in Brand Valuation: Indian IT Services Brands


  • Sanjay Kumar Kar, Rohit Bansal, Saroj Mishra Department of Management Studies, Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Petroleum Technology, Jais, India


Brand, Brand image, Brand strength, Brand valuation, Branding, Equity, IT services, Licensing, Marketing, Royalty, Valuation


This case deals with critical aspects of brand valuation. It offers a basis for discussion on techniques, purposes, benefits, and methods of brand valuation. Manas Das, the Founder, and Chief Executive Officer, ValuEndow Consulting, assigned his trusted associate Sheikh Sanah to critically assess reasons due to which Indian IT Services brands were lagging behind western counterparts. Mr. Das was amused by the variations in the brand value of Tata Consulting Services assessed by Brand Finance and Kantar Millward Brown. Sanah was tasked with developing strategies to improve the brand value rankings of Indian IT Services brands. This short case provides a basis for class discussion on brand valuation for multiple purposes: 1 Managing brand and leveraging brand value. 2 Role of brand valuation in expanding business. 3 Setting rates for brand licensing. The case offers insights on variations in brand valuation methodologies and brand value.


